Author Archives: John Sluder

I have grown to really love shooting portraits. It’s not always easy for people to relax and feel comfortable in front of the camera, but I have learned to work efficiently using only a minimal amount of equipment in order to focus on my subjects. I typically only work with one light, a Hensel Porty system, with either a beauty dish or a large umbrella. Nothing makes me feel more honored than being asked to take a person’s photograph.


I was visiting my parents in Georgia over the holidays. My youngest nephew need a few pictures for his senior year book. Luck he has an uncle that can help him out…

Here are some images from the haunted house I have photographed in 2009. I was invited by Paul Wren the creator/designer of the haunted house to document his creation. The Henegar has a building not use on the property that was used for the multi day event. If you where lucky enough to have toured the haunted house it was a rememberable experience. I had to create a shooting style that allow me to be mobile and get the auto focus to work in very poor lighting conditions. I used just a simple  flash light, nothing else.

John Sluder

October 2, 2014

I was nominated and won “Favorite Local Photographer” by Totally Brevard Readers’ Choice Award. Thank you I am thankful and flattered to win!!!

photographer john sluder

Duncan Jay is originally from Alabama, he spent a majority of his childhood in Florida, and a majority of his adulthood in New York City…his southern charm, mixed with sarcastic quick wit leaves audiences laughing and realizing Duncan’s own brand of comedy…Southern Hostility!!!  Duncan is not the stereo-typical Yankee, and yet he’s not a stereo-typical southerner either, Duncan Jay has seen and done it all. He possesses “southern” charm with a hint of sarcasm, the wit of a street wise New Yorker, with the likeability of your favorite crazy uncle. Duncan loves his audiences and audiences feel that every time he takes the stage. His grand-mother always told him that “It’s better to be a smart-ass than a dumb-ass”…. And that one phrase would haunt him for the rest of his life!!   Duncan has performed in venues all over the country, from NYC to Florida, From Baltimore to the buckle of the “bible belt”…even Boise, ID.. He has performed for kids and family friendly shows as well as the late night crowds in NYC. He prides himself on being able to fit in everywhere. He has worked in clubs and theatres all over the country with comedians like: Judah Friedlander from 30 Rock, Dave Attell from Insomniac, Mike Epps from “Friday After Next”, and Dave Chappelle….just to name a few!